Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Two Weeks Old

Busy day for Anna. She had her IV and PICC line removed last night, and today she got rid of her cannula. That means she's breathing completely on her own, and holding her is much, much easier without all those extra tubes and lines!

She's still eating well, more and more every day. She has regained her birth weight and today came in at 3lbs, 2.9oz. Doesn't she look a little chubbier?! Yay Anna!

Still getting to hold her an hour a day, but the wonderful nurses always let me push it to as much as two hours if she's stable. Bless those nurses.

The biggest risk to Anna right now is infection, so our main goal is keeping her well. Next priority is for her to master the art of breathing, sucking and swallowing simultaneously, and she'll need to maintain her body temp before she can come home. We've been told to expect her to be discharged on her due date, plus or minus two weeks - WAY too long, given that her due date isn't till May 20. So our specific prayer request (aside from staying well) is that she can master those skills SOON! She'll be 32 weeks Sunday, and then she can start trying to nurse.

THANK YOU to all who are offering prayers, playdates, meals, etc. You are all angels! We know that God can never be outdone in generosity, so we can only imagine the great things He has in store for Anna!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys! Hoping those little muscles get working right soon. I know it's tough to keep up and be ready to nurse. Hang in there!
