Saturday, May 19, 2012

She's Home!

Our family is finally back together under one roof! Anna Therese graduated the NICU and came home on May 15, exactly 10 weeks after she was born. No child's homecoming has ever been so photographed. Here she is all ready to go.

Our favorite nurse, Pattie, who stuck with us for the duration and took care of Anna like her own, walked us out. We may not miss the NICU, but we do miss Pattie.

The kids made a welcome-home banner for Tess. It's been ready for a looong time.

They were thrilled to walk in and see the baby at home.

Tess had her first pediatrician's appointment Friday and is continuing to gain weight at home - big relief. We've been told we should keep her home for a month, but once we get the green light, we can't wait for Anna to meet all her friends who have been praying for her and thinking about her. She's a lucky baby to come into a world with so many people who care.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Countdown to Discharge

Not really a countdown since we don't know what day it will be, but it's close! Anna is taking six of eight daily feeds orally, so if we can just get her off those final two tube feedings, she's free to go. She's beginning to have some fussy spells and clearly enjoys being held and talked to - in other words, acting like a full-term baby! We are fast checking things off our pre-discharge list. Anna passed her hearing screen, Paul and I took an infant CPR class, and we're getting ready for a carseat check. As always, a big thank you for all the help and prayers! Every single person who has offered up a prayer has played a part in how well she's done. We are forever grateful.